Artcle 1: You Decide How Long You Will Live

Give me three minutes a day and i add up to ten  years to your life.Give me an average 16 minutes a day and i'll add as much as fifteen years to your life.Give me one hour a day and i can add twenty years or more to your life.
Obviously,these figures are based on what average person can achieve with my program.Your results may vary depending on your age and current state of health.
But the basic principle does not vary:You can decide how healthy you will be and how long you will live.Even people who were old or on poor health have gotten well with my program.
It really is possible to feel good all the time. I mean more than just "not being sick."I mean actively feeling good.You can feel full of energy,with Strong muscle,a calm stomach,bones and joints free of stiffness and pain,fresh and glowing skin,and deep,easy breathing.
you can do's all up to you.i know because i was a stressed-out,225-pound surgeon.i smoked more than a pack a day and followed a "seefood diet"(you see food and you eat it). That was almost twenty years ago.I was 34 and hadn't exercised since university.

The Easiest Thing You Can Do For Your Health Is The Most Powerful

Let me just give you a peek at the powerful new medical discoveries.A Harward study shows that talking vitamin E long-term---more than two years----can cut your risk of heart attack almost in half.Yet only about four people out of a hundred are taking enough vitamin E.
The Journal of the American National Cancer Institute reported similar results for a study of 29,584 people in china,aged 40 to 69.
These people were poor.Their diet was terrible .They had among the highest esophageal and stomach cancer rates in the world over 100 times U.S rates.
Those who took a daily dose of beta carotine,vitamin E and selenium suffered 9% fewer deaths than those who didn't.These three supplements are called antioxidants(pronounced antee-oxy-dants). They are harmless vitamins and minerals found in our food.But we don't get them in large enough amounts to make us as well as we can be.
You're going to hear a lot about antioxidants in this book ,because they are the most exciting medical discovery in fifty years.
Over the last few decades,evidence has been piling up higher than Mt. Everest that antioxidants are the key to preventing cancer,heart disease,arthritis and a host of other diseases.
There was a study of 3,318 Chinese who already showed signs of cancer.They were given a daily dose of 14 vitamins and 12 minerals for six years.There was an 8% decline in cancer deaths and a 38% reduction in stroke and heart disease.

The Establishment Almost Agrees 

Two studies were presented in 1992 at the American Heart Association's 65th Scientific sessions.The first study involved almost 90000 women.Those who took vitamin E for more than two years cut their risk of heart disease almost in half compared to those who did not take vitamin E.
The second study involved 45720 middle aged and elderly men.Those who had taken vitamin E for more than two years had a 26% lower risk of heart disease.
A recent study showed that people who regularly consume vitamin E supplements have half the risk of oral and pharyngeal cancer.that finding comes from researchers at the U.S National Cancer Institute.
The NCI researchers also found that multivitamin tablets are not enough.You need big doses.Says one of the authors."we speculate that the vitamin E dosage in multivitamins( useually 30 I.U.)was not sufficient for a protective effect."
It's fair to say the amount the government recommends----10I.U.----is pitifully inadequate to protect you against cancer.
if you want to be protected by this powerful antioxidant,you need to take vitamin E tablets containing anywhere from 100 to 400 I.U(international unit). you are not going to get what you need from taking a daily multi-vitamin. Let me add that no one has ever reported any toxic effect from taking large doses of vitamin E.
we're living in the middle of the nutrition revolution. It turns out the easiest,most powerful way to improve your health is to take the vitamins and minerals called antioxidants.
all the diseases that have stumped the medical establishment--- cancer, stroke ,heart disease,aging---have a single ,underlying cause.In a moment,i am going to explain how it works.for now,i just want you to know it's quite easy to neutralize the killer.
Scientific research has clearly established the value of antioxidants.the pity is most of mi colleagues in the medical profeeion don't know much about nutrition.but some of us are finally learning.
When i was in medical school,how much class time do you think i spent studying the effect on your body of the food you eat? I'll tell you:about four hours .And I spent zero hours studying the effect of exercise.Medical doctors just plain don't know this stuff .i had to learn it for myself 

Do One Thing Now and Feel the Difference Withing Two Weeks.       

Are you too busy to do anything to add years to your life?Or too broke? Or too skeptical to believe me?
If you fit any of thees categories, at least try this: Take 200 micrograms (mcg)of chromium picolinate.You can get it at any health food store or possibly your pharmacy.
You see , chromium enables you to convert sugar and fat into energy.if you will just try this harmless mineral for two weeks , you have more energy.You may even start losing weight.
Lose weight while you sleep from taking a harmless pill.not bad,huh? 
About 90% of us don't get enough's one of the reason we're too fat.many researchers now believe a lack of chromium is the culprit in 95% of all adult diabetes in our country.Sugar robs our bodies of this mineral and we need a lot of chromium just to balance out all the sugar we consume.
Chromium will help you stabilize your blood sugar level and get more energy out of the food you eat.It causes you to metabolize more efficiently . It actually burns up fat so you don't add it to the spare tire around your middle.
What's more,a researcher at the U.S Department of Agriculture's Vitamin and Mineral Laboratory recently confirmed that chromium has no toxic can feel perfectly safe taking 200 mcg per day
Chances are , your doctor ---who maybe had four hours of training in nutrition---will tell you supplements are a waste of time.Even after publishing the studies on vitamin E and beta carotene,the National Cancer Institute and the American Heart Association are still not recommending Vitamins.They say "more study"is needed.
It's amazing.
In five or ten years ,my fellow doctors are finally going to tell you to take vitamin A,vitamin E,beta carotene,selenium and other supplements.By that time hundreds of thousands of people will die who could have been saved.
If your doctor tells you not to take antioxidants ,ask him if he's taking them.I bet he is.I know a lot of doctors who are taking antioxidants on the sly,because of the remarkable studies that are coming out.
Don't wait . start taking these supplements at once .if you'd  like monthly updates on the exciting new developments in this field,consider my newsletter Health and Longevity(order form on page 121).
Meanwhile, turn to the next chapter and minerals are so powerful at fighting cancer and heart disease.         

* This is an extraction from the book "3 Minutes a day to a 120 years lifespan"  by Dr. Robert D. Willix , JR., M.D.